Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Avoid Scams & Scammers

If you are asked to send money from a recent deposit or overpayment, discuss the situation with a banker, trusted friend or family member. Be truthful about the situation. Many scammers direct their victim to lie about the reason you are sending the money. Review your account activity to spot signs of fraud. These include transfers from your own savings, credit card, or home equity line of credit. Or a transfer from someone you do not know. If you’re unsure of the descriptions used for a transaction, ask a banker. Watch out for deals that are too good to be true. A deep discount could be the sign of a scammer trying to lure you in.
Before proceeding…
Can you answer “NO” to these 2 questions?

1. Were you instructed to make up a story and not share the true details with anyone?
2. Did you receive money from one individual and were asked to send money off to another?


Types of Scams



You meet someone, typically through an online app or social media site, and begin a relationship. Your online interest starts professing their love for you and then begins to ask for money to help with costs such as medical bills or travel expenses to visit you.


You’re approached with an offer to fund a lucrative investment or business opportunity, usually in another country. You’re directed to act quickly and keep the deal a secret, especially if questioned by your bank when sending the money.


You have won a foreign lottery and are instructed that you need to pre-pay the taxes. Typically an ‘Attorney’ is involved to make things sound legitimate.


You receive an urgent call or email from someone claiming to be a friend or family member who needs money for an emergency. To appear legitimate, they may provide details (pulled from social media) about your friend or relative in need. They will often put someone on the phone briefly for you to hear – their voice is distorted so you cannot be sure it isn’t them. Best way to validate— reach out the family member or loved one directly.


A scammer gains access to a legitimate email account to impersonate a realtor, escrow officer, attorney, or lender and then provides fraudulent wiring instructions to funnel the money directly into the scammer’s account.


Someone contacts you claiming to be from a well-known technology company and requests remote access to your computer. Sometimes the caller says they have identified a problem and offers to fix your computer for a fee. If you give them access, they install malicious software to steal your personal or financial information.


FDIC Consumer News

FDIC presents the Importance of Deposit insurance and Understanding Your Coverage in this issue of CONSUMER NEWS:

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When in doubt

Contact a family member, banker, or friend.
Most scams and scammers have two main goals–to steal your money and your identity. You should know what to look for, how they work, and what to do, so you can protect yourself and your finances.  Visit the FDIC’s Consumer News site and educate yourself on the latest scams.

Learn More


Tips to Prevent Fraud


  • Check bank accounts often.
  • Watch for transactions you do not recognize and report them to your bank immediately.
  • Watch for missing mail.
  • Verify the requestor before sharing sensitive
  • Do not give someone your
    bank account information.
  • When in doubt, contact your bank.